
This site was created by Greekodi team, and is dedicated to providing reviews and tutorials for the Open Source Media Kodi, the official add-ons and unofficial third-party add-ons.  This site and Greekodi Team are not affiliated or associated in any way with the official Kodi developers or any third-party add-on developers for Kodi. We do not develop or host any add-ons or any of the content that the add-ons may provide to you.

This Site and Greekodi Team are not affiliated or associated in any way with the sources that official or unofficial third-party add-ons may provide for streaming or downloading. This Site and Greekodi Team are not responsible for the content that official or unofficial third-party add-ons provide for streaming or downloading on your devices.

This Site and Greekodi Team have no responsibility for any copyright or legal issues that may arise by the use of Kodi, any official or unofficial third-party add-ons. In any case, we strongly advise our viewers to seek legal advice before they proceed to follow any reviews and tutorials presented on this Site or the affiliate YouTube Channel.

This Site and Greekodi Team have no responsibility for any problems or malfunctions that may occur to your devices by the use of Kodi, any official or unofficial third-party add-ons presented on this Site or the affiliate YouTube Channel.